Dentaris Dental Clinic



Natural-looking, Long lasting, High strength fillings

At DENTARIS, our mission is to help everyone achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.
While we strive to use preventive treatment where ever possible, sometimes, problems are unavoidable. If you experience a cavity, tooth-coloured dental fillings are one of the most effective and esthetically pleasing treatments available.

What are tooth coloured fillings?

  • Tooth coloured fillings are Dental COMPOSITE fillings.
  •  They are also known as White fillings or Resin fillings.
  •  Composite fillings use a tooth coloured resin material to achieve a more natural looking result. 
  •  Composite (tooth coloured) filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc. The decayed or affected portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a composite filling.

Cavity seen in the tooth

Cavity filled with COMPOSITE resin

Many patients we have treated have been amazed
at how much of a visual impact tooth coloured filling makes
when it is done artistically!

When is COMPOSITE filling done?

Some of the common reasons for composite fillings are:

  • Decayed teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Closing space between two teeth
  • Cracked or broken teeth

Composite can also be used to fix chips and small gaps between the teeth, using a process called Composite Bonding.

Most common reason for doing a filling is ‘cavity in the tooth’.

Tooth decay or cavity is one of the most common oral diseases in adults and children. 

The key is to intercept it early, remove the decay & fill the cavity that is left behind.

Tooth decay doesn’t repair itself. Even if your tooth stops hurting, cavities continue to grow. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment to find out which type of dental restoration (crown, filling, etc.) is right for you.

Symptoms of tooth decay

Not all cavities are painful. 

Warning signs of tooth decay include:

  • Discoloration
  • Food getting stuck in the teeth
  • Sensitivity to sweet, hot & cold
  • Something feeling “off” when you chew

Choosing the Best Dental Filling

The goal of basic restorative dental care is to 

  • Repair the area of damage in the tooth
  • Allow the tooth to function normally. 

If your decay is caught early enough, we may be able to stop its spread to other teeth.

A durable material that is chosen for dental filling is such, that it strengthens your tooth while also blending in with the surrounding enamel.

What are the different permanent fillings available?

There are 3 commonly used permanent fillings materials:

  • Composite fillings (White, tooth coloured fillings)
  • Cement fillings
  • Silver fillings

At DENTARIS, we prefer COMPOSITE fillings due to their long-lasting, natural-looking results, high strength and easy repairability.

What is the advantage of composite fillings over other filling materials?


Composite fillings are available in different shades to closely match your existing teeth, which creates a more natural and attractive look, especially in the front teeth.


Composite or tooth-coloured fillings are durable and strong, most suited to small to midsize fillings.

•Easy to Repair

If a composite filling becomes loose, damaged or falls out, it can be easily replaced or repaired.


Composites can be used to fix a wide variety of issues including cavities due to tooth decay and also chipped off, broken or worn out teeth.   

How are composite fillings placed?

  • Composite fillings are usually placed in one appointment. 
  • The cavity is cleaned by removing the decay as necessary, while the tooth is numb.
  • If the cavity is deep, a protective layer of cement or medication is placed to protect the nerve inside the tooth.
  • The composite filling is then precisely placed, shaped  & hardened with a special blue coloured light.
  • The final filling is then polished, restoring your tooth to its original shape and function.

How are composite fillings placed?

  • Composite fillings are usually placed in one appointment. 
  • The cavity is cleaned by removing the decay as necessary, while the tooth is numb.
  • If the cavity is deep, a protective layer of cement or medication is placed to protect the nerve inside the tooth.
  • The composite filling is then precisely placed, shaped  & hardened with a special blue coloured light.
  • The final filling is then polished, restoring your tooth to its original shape and function.